Dropbox Enable LAN Sync

Dropbox how it works

Imagine a situation where you have Dropbox installed on your desktop and you drop some files into the Dropbox folder.
What happens next?
  1. Files are uploaded into the cloud (Dropbox servers)
  2. Dropbox server gets the file(s) and looks for an existing match on its servers.
  3. If the file is new (or modified) it sends sync request to the entire linked Dropbox clients
  4. The new (or modified) file(s) is downloaded to the linked clients
  5. Sync is complete
That’s fine and works great.
Next we will learn a feature called Dropbox Enable LAN Sync

How to speed sync

But what if we can change the speed of the sync process to be much faster?
Well, Dropbox Enable LAN Sync can reduce the time of sync process.
It actually does only steps 1,4 and 5, leaving the slower steps 2 and 3 behind.
How does it happen?
  • You must be inside a LAN environment with your other linked client.
  • You should enable this feature in your Dropbox client:
Right-click the mouse on your Dropbox icon and click on preferences
Dropbox preferences

Check Enable LAN Sync

Dropbox enable Lan sync

Dropbox Enable LAN Sync use case

So you will ask a question- Why not to check this feature by default forever?
Well, it needs your firewall to allow a port for the Sync to be opened leave this port vulnerable.
Also, it makes some network noise on your LAN.

 More sync scenarios

Following the last paragraph- Another scenario to use it?
Well, it can sync your mobile faster in case your desktop and mobile are on the same LAN (Wireless/Wired router)
And it can sync your desktop and Media Center with large GB movies.

More Dropbox reading

How to impact dropbox new release easily
Dropbox restore files ability you didn’t know exists

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