Journey into web

Journey into web

My History till the journey into web

I am working as QA since 1998.
I was working for big companies and for Start-Ups.
During this time I was moving forward in the QA hierarchy and each time it came with benefits.
I even had two exits and finished my Computer Science degree while working.
Last time I was writing websites was using some platforms like Geocities, Tripod, and Angelfire and it was so easy anyone could do it.
In those days the HTML language was so basic and all you needed is to choose the site background and some text and you had sites as good as Yahoo, eBay or similar.
I didn’t put any attention to websites or new technologies and concentrated on my own job as a security hacker and network tester.
Today I know that not letting myself open up for new technology was a bad idea.
Today I am like a newbie who is excited from sites like Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

Hacker news, Python, floor42, the journey starts

Last January I have decided that it is about time to do some changes in my life.
I felt that the QA position is fun and I do like it but the real thing is waiting for me as a developer.
My ultimate goal is to be the founder of something cool and not a simple coder at the age of 40s+
So I read some hacker news posts and finally, the decision was done- To Learn Python.
You can read the entire posts over here: 1234 and 5
And so I did my On-Line Python class and I was doing fine.
I had some obstacles but in overall I was great.
Until my eyes met this site- and life didn’t look the same anymore.
Learning Python was a good start but you don’t really know where you are going with it and what’s next? 
//For those of you who followed me I apologize but that’s something I need to do for myself.//

It’s a kind of Magic

Seeing 42floors was magic.
It is a site that let you in, it welcomes you to use it and explore all the data inside.
I have never been to San-Francisco but through that site, I felt like I am part of the city.
I am even at some point felt like really want to rent an office there.
The site is extremely User-Friendly and easy to use.
Bottom line, I knew that this is what I want to do, to build a site just like 42floors. My journey into WEB started.
And so I sent an email to the founder of this site and till today didn’t get any response.
That didn’t stop me- If you can’t join them bit them (I know it is beat and the opposite around).
My next step was looking for an answer- “How long will it take someone like me to build such a site” and posted that question in hacker news.
The answers were very detailed but also some disappointed.
Most said around 3-5 years to be near to that level.
Well, that didn’t stop me either, once you find your destiny you should do anything to achieve it.
Follow one of the leads I logged into and signed-up to the “code year” course which teach you JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

More to come

Now that I am aware of that language I can see how this language is taking the number of career ads around the world
Clearly, I can see how the ‘front end’ position is needed.
So I will write more about my experience inside Codecademy and JS lessons in the next post but for now, I am doing well.
I hope you will stay with me on my next posts.
I will be happy to read any thought or comment coming from you guys
Update– After repeating questions I must say that I didn’t quit Python but just put it aside and currently focus only on JS new adventure.

Please click here for the next post

9 thoughts on “Journey into web”

  1. The subject Python vs. Javascript is the way I see it, I had some fight inside me and it was not easy move to do after learning Python for some months.
    You are not the first one who says to me "waste of time" but I need to start somewhere, don't I?
    Anyway I liked your tip, it is in my path inside codecademy site.
    I will appreciate any more tips and comments.

  2. This does not have nothing to do about Python vs Javascript language syntax, merits, features so on, this is just a diary of someone want to do eye candy websites.

    I will answer you, dont waste your time bouncing with programming languages, learn the basics of programming, data structures and then just learn jquery and hire a good graphic designer and you will be able to code that kind of sites. anyway you need server side stuff so use Python with django or Node.js.

    I dont see the trouble to get that kind of eye candy sites.

  3. Remember that nice front end need a server side to get the stuff so you could use Python there, Javascript/jquery on the front. Its over the days that we could do all programming with just one language. Now you need to know a couple of languages, platforms, libraries, but as I said Dont waste your time to much in languages just learn the basics and data structures are the key.

    Good luck.


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